It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

You Won’t Believe What They Made Entirely Out Of Pallets!

Here is a pallet project I never would have dreamed of creating.

If you have ever had a quote on how much it costs to build a wooden deck or any type of hardscaping, then you know how many zeros we are talking about.

This family has gone around the system, beyond what I ever thought was possible with reclaimed pallets.  This patio/deck that they have created is a summer dream!! (And with a heat lamp or two, it is a wonderful outdoor winter space, too.)

What I like about this is all it really needs is pallets.  Everything else just speeds it up or makes it nicer.  You can take this idea and start small, and grow it little by little.

Click through to see the incredible space they created…

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  1. imorovement to property means more property taxes especially for structures!

  2. @[643393164:2048:Jamie Thomison]

  3. Jen says:

    Be selective on the pallets, get sturdy closely spaced slats. You can find them at WalMart (they keep blue & red), Lowes (just ask), try carpet & tile places, places that engrave headstones

  4. connie says:

    My husband has been making pallet flower beds for us, my folks, and neighbors. They are awesome. I saw a bunch of pallets out back of a CVS Pharmacy store on my way home one night. I thought of just pulling up and loading them in. Then I thought, “might be stealing I didn’t have permission, dah-don’t say it, I already did.” So they were still there the next day in so after that shift I stopped and spoke to the manager. He said anything in “that” area are pallets we do not return and while there is a guy that stops by and gets them he is just a recycler so if you got here before he did I’m fine with you taking them. Just remember do not take anything from “this” side or the ones stamped Pepsi on them. SO I have picked up over 10 very nice pallets and about 10 not so nice but he takes a few apart for extra support on his projects so he needs and uses both. he recently made me a swing for our oak tree that holds a twin mattress. Even my wild turkeys love that one!!!

  5. exactly what I was thinking…I’m not a big person, but I’ve cracked one I stepped on in our ba$#%&!@*t.

  6. Deanna Seely says:

    A few words that comes to mind…tacky, splinters, ugly, unsafe

  7. Wanda Mayo says:

    Great idea!!!!!!!!! ecycling pallets who would have thought!!!!!!!

  8. Tina Sagert says:

    some are not safe to walk on but with board over top of them would be more safe

  9. @[1169430078:2048:Charity Gadd Parks]

  10. Claire Wood says:

    I think this is two different projects. Photo 1 has a rectangular pool cover and other photos have a round above ground

  11. Claire Wood says:

    Barbara Bustamante Retherford Hilda Coraggio that is oak right?

  12. Claire Wood says:

    the pallets being used here are very heavy and look like 2×4 cuts, and the same grade of wood that is used in cut lumber deck and patio projects. Other pallets are pretty flimsy. Like any other thing, you have to look them over to see what you are getting. You can make a nice compost box with the lighter weight pallets.

  13. I’m waiting for some one to come over to make my back deck with pallets. I also have other boards to use to help if needed. I can’t a ford to spend that kind of money on exspensive wood.

  14. joy says:

    here in minnesota they give all kinds away free by all these warehouse on north side of mpls every week they put stacks all down on 2nd ave north all sizes to and there is about four or five company’s that do this

  15. they are smart enough. if they can make this, to not use the bad pallets that might break don’t you think.

  16. @[673474030:2048:Charity Miles], show this to Thomas!

  17. Deena.. storing pallets? Put them to good use!

  18. LOVE IT……… Cute n Country …… If you could find the pallets cheap enough and possibly sew your own cushions and pillows……

  19. i couldn’t get on to see how it was done

  20. this is cool. would look good with the pool made out of pallets

  21. i was wondering about the weight limit too

    • Joanne says:

      Pallets are used commercially to transfer just about anything. 99.9% of all pallets in good condition can hold up to 4000 pounds apiece. Hope this info helps and holds up for you. 🙂

  22. Lynda Gentry says:

    Cindy Yates here is your deck!!!

  23. snakes will love living under this

  24. That’s kinda cool. Gives me some ideas…… Joseph Saunders

  25. Karen Street says:

    wow this is a great idea.

  26. Pat Tingler says:

    Where do people find these pallets? I read that they are free, but I have never seen any.

    • Joanne Hollingsworth says:

      Generally, you can find used pallets at locally owned businesses that deal in heavy items. Appliance centers come to mind for example. Convenience stores receive shelved goods at the back door. They may place those pallets at their dumpster. Ask the manager if you can have them for free. The store does not want to pay the extra garbage removal fee. Also, some cities have an industrial area. Those are the best places to find pallets. You may have to “fix” some. But the price is good.

  27. I want one. I bought them for $3.00 a piece in park rapids

  28. I do not lke it, each to their own.

  29. Wanda smothers says:

    Put rope around bottom of it. Snakes do not like crawling over it.

  30. Sher Stookey says:

    These don’t look like any pallets I see…these have more boards..most of the ones I see have huge gaps and definitely, not floor material w/o adding boards to it.

  31. Maybe we should have done this!

  32. Mary Harmon says:

    John Harmon – how cool would this be !! In your backyard !!

  33. Joyce Street says:

    You can’t find “free” pallets like before, companies usually reuse them or sell them to a pallet company; if they throw them out it’s usually because they are no good.

    • Shell says:

      Where we get our pallets they are free. There are good and bad, you just have to go through them. The other night I went through five piles, most of them were goodm but I only needed 8 for what I was doing.

  34. Gordy Bivens check this out.

  35. Julie Dana says:

    I suggested doing this years ago and the wuzband looked at me and rolled his eyes. He had no vision thus he’s wuz my husband!

  36. l woodland says:

    Where does everyone fine all the wood pallets?

  37. i hate these cites it takes a engineer to figure out how to get to the whole story

  38. I love this! I would need a complete awning covering this patio, though!

  39. I have some concern about water draining after a bad thunderstorm. Water staying on the protection under the pallets would seem to be a mosquito breeder. How does that drain?

    • Dwight says:

      Carol Williamson,
      You can buy under many different geotextiles that won’t allow grass or weeds to grow through. They do sell a produce that does that and also lets water drain through. Check your local big box stores.
      Sincerely, Dwight

  40. John Leatzau way cool!

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