It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

10 Amazing and QUICK Home Hacks You’ve Never Seen

Here is a list of simple and quick home-hacks that are INGENIOUS!  I wish I had my old CD rack to do #9 because I have no counter space in my bathroom!

(At the end of the article I found links to all the items I show in case you want to find them to purchase.)

Which one of these are you going to do to first?

1. Instead of hooks, use door knobs to hang your towels

Although not the cheapest home hack, this idea would have anyone that sees it talking and complimenting you. Finding some was as easy as doing a quick ebay search (I link to it at the end).1



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  1. Joan Alicea says:

    thought of you and your DIY meow skills (i loved #9) Philip

  2. Teresa Freeman Barnhill

  3. Do not cover your thermostat with a painting. This increases the ‘warmth’ around the tstat which will overwork your air conditioning and under work your furnace. Furthermore, watch the positioning of other heat generators: lamps, appliances, tv, space heaters. Agreed, tstats aren’t pretty but they need to be exposed to function properly for efficient HVAC operations.

  4. Pamela Beth says:

    I still iron…all of husbands jeans and khaki shirts.

  5. who else really loves this

  6. Phoebe Thompson Woods Bell, I like the wine rack towel holder. What do you think?

  7. Kaye May says:

    Some good ideas. Kristen

  8. Kaye May says:

    Kristen is this where you saw yours?

  9. Kathy Foster says:

    Put it all on one page, it’s annoying to click page after page to see next idea!

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