It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Wraps The Door Handle Around A Paint Can To Instantly Solve A Common Problem!

You are certainly using rubber bands to keep you decks of cards in order, to hold your rolls of wrapping paper together and if your kids are like mine, your household rubber bands are probably being linked together to form very long rubber ropes that seem to have no purpose other than to be left all over the house.

Here are some great rubber band hacks that will make your life easier:

1. DON’T GET LOCKED OUT.  If you have one of those doors that locks you out when it closes behind you, try this trick when you you need it.  Wrap the rubber band like so and it will prevent the latch from sliding out.  Come and go as you please.HE TIES A PAPER CLIP TO A RUBBER BAND FOR A PERFECT HACK THAT WE ALL NEED!

2. USE THEM FOR RIBBON and THREAD HOLDERS.  Ribbon and thread spools are constantly unraveling.  This simple trick will keep your sewing kits and wrapping materials in order.3. USE THEM TO WIPE YOUR BRUSH.  By wrapping a rubber band vertically around your paint can, you avoid wiping your brush on the inside of the can which always spills paint in the can top and down the sides.  Click through for more clever rubber band hacks…

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