It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Nailed This Dollar Store DIY By Starting With These Plastic Plates!

The Dollar Store is an amazing place to begin any crafty DIY.  There is so much you can do with the basic items they sell there and if you are crafty enough to start combining them, even better.

Have you seen this dollar store vase upcycled with rubber bands?  It’s SO pretty!!

Click through to check out this very practical and pretty DIY…

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  1. Her candle sticks were too short. She could have gotten glass plates for the same price.

  2. Toni says:

    You can also use plastic wine glasses for the dividers. We do this for our Church
    Tea’ and they work out so nice …. and easier to pack away for another year. Light
    weight too!

  3. I want to go to her $ store.

  4. Did you know that being negative makes you OLD before your time.

  5. I think this is a great idea as I don’t have storage space for these kinds of things. For the money she spent, you can just throw it away. I do think I would’ve gotten a little taller candle holders though.

  6. So neat, agree go to the Dollar tree and get glass plates and candleholders, you can reuse them a lot longer. 🙂


  8. Holly Foss says:

    By the time she spent what she needed, she could have bought one !!

  9. Norma Diaz says:

    my favorite store, when finances were so bad this store kept me in food that i couldnt afford anywhere else ty

  10. Good idea I would have use glass plates

  11. melba jean dobson says:

    i think it turned out beautiful & the pattern on the plates were so pretty. i will be going to my dollar store for these. thank you for a great idea !!!

  12. it turned out beautiful. the pattern on the plates were gorgeous. thank you for a great idea !

  13. Good idea. I agree the supports need to be taller.

  14. did not like it….lol.

  15. I do glass etching. The same exact glasses cost me twice the price at Goodwill than the $ store. Not to mention they are made in the US.

  16. Love the Dollar Store…

  17. Plastic Plates are great what if a kid bumped the table and the display fell over either??? the glass plates would have shattered everywhere and ruined the cupcakes and it was a DOLLAR STORE CHALLENGE DID YOU NOT HEAR THAT WHEN SHE STARTED TALKING???? NEGATIVE NANCYS

  18. cool idea with the cupcakes n cheese…

  19. Too short. If you are going to bother make it so you can put taller items on it!

  20. Great idea, but I would try to find taller candle sticks so that more cupcakes could be placed on the dish.

  21. Kathy Kinder says:

    Nice idea but hot glue will not hold if much weight is on them. Use glass plates & epoxy glue & it will never come apart. 🙂

  22. Fay Salazar we were ahead of our time we did this years ago! LOL

  23. So Patty Shellum….you perceive HER observation was negative or critical enough that it justified you doing the EXACT same thing with your veiled insult she’ll look old before her time due to her negativity….yep, that saying “how can you say there’s a stick in my eye when you don’t feel the log in your own” is alive and well in this thread eh?

    Frankly, the too short candlesticks used in the demonstration WERE too short that was my very first thought as well, she could barely get frosted cupcakes smooshed under the second layer and for the same price (namely that all items were only a dollar) she could have bought glass and made a more durable stacked plate. Oh, sorry, was that too negative, oops, my bad.

  24. Sharon Hill says:

    This would be cute to take to a pot luck–that way if you leave it and/or it gets thrown away, you are not out a lot of money —but you’ve still had a nice way to display your cupcakes.

  25. Roxanna Sue Kirk Hudnall how about this!

  26. I love the $ Tree! It is one of my favorite places to get craft supplies from.

  27. I personally think she should have had the candle sticks that are a little taller very similar to the ones she used.

  28. Sarah Hobbs says:

    im going shopping, thanks for sharing.

  29. I agree they are to short

  30. Patty Shellum , she has a right to her opinion. You should take you own advise! smh By the way…she is right. LOL

  31. bought them they crack easy wont guy them ahain pretty though

  32. Patty Shellum there is a difference between being negative and giving another suggestion … there were plenty of us that when we saw this we knew that there wasn’t enough space between the plates and there are those of us that would want to make something that wasn’t disposable … it’s a shame that you and Nina didn’t understand Bonnie Rauwerdink post

  33. sweetie are you having a bad day??? has anyone said this is bad NO they are just giving more ideas … don’t stifle other peoples creativity that is truly negative

  34. I will never go to any of this sites comment thread again. So F****** much negative S*** its a F****** idea you dont have to do it if you dont want to. I cannot believe how stupid all you people are, no wonder our country is going to hell..

  35. I buy them and leave when I go. Really like them

  36. Cindy Smith says:

    I tried this with dollar store glass plates and taller candlestick holders. Glass plates were too heavy the glue couldn’t hold it and so i tried the clear epoxy that couldn’t hold glass plates either. It only held together for me for a couple hours for Christmas cookie display 2 years ago. Last year i reglued and used one last time before giving up and tossing them out.

  37. What a fun project for kids to do for a Mothers Day Gift!

  38. Sher Stookey says:

    Patty Shellum That wasn’t negativity. That was just an observation. Nothing wrong with that..

  39. Sher Stookey says:

    I wonder if that Gorilla Glue or the Super Glue may have worked? IDK. I don’t make cupcakes anymore so have no plans to make it for that…I have seen real glass put together for outdoors decoration and bird feeder so something must have worked to hold them together.

  40. Sher Stookey says:

    The glue is not really near the food items but I get your point. Some of the made in china plastic also contains lead so I’d be cautious of that as well. Cupcakes do usually have a liner so that’s protective..but I would line the plastic plates with napkins or doilies or something before putting cookies or any food directly on it because of the poison factor.

  41. Sher Stookey says:

    So, what kind of glue did you use?

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