It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Wedding On A Budget? You NEED To These Mason Jar Flower Ideas!

Are you in “anything-you-can-do-to-keep-your-wedding-budget-down” mode?  I have been there and I wish I had had this tutorial!

Doing your own flowers for your wedding is a great way to save money.  If you live in a big city, you may have a local flower mart at your disposal.  Look into it.  It is a wonderland of all the gorgeous flowers you could imagine and all at wholesale prices.

Even if you don’t have a flower mart, you can still pick up your own flowers and arrange them.  Even design and make your own custom bouquet.

Here is a way to really take DIY floral table arrangements to the next level.

Mason jars add so much character to any setting.  They are very inexpensive and of course, reusable in so many ways.

In this video, you will get ideas on how to take a plain mason jar and dress it up custom before the flowers go in it.  Your guests will love these take-home arrangements and probably be trying to squeeze more than one into their purses on the way out.

Please post any pictures you have of this project and if you are a bride-to-be, congratulations!!

This is a fun project!!  Don’t forget to enlist your bridesmaids!!

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