It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

These DIY Cleaning Wipes Are Brilliant and Will Save You 75%!

Wipes makes life easier but the fact that they are so expensive and contain so many chemicals makes them less than perfect.

If you saw our post on how to make your own baby wipes then hopefully you have been making them ever since.  This tutorial on making your own kitchen wipes is similar and just as awesome!

If you buy Lysol Cleaning Wipes then you are very familiar with how much you are spending on them and how quickly you are going through them.

Imagine if you could make your own that were just as effective yet cost a fraction and didn’t leave residual chemicals all over your counter.

Click through to see how easy this is!

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  1. How about just a rag and some soap?

  2. Last time CVS had a sale where these were on sale for $5 for one, and if you buy $30 worth of the Lysol wipes you get a $10 coupon. I bought six as I have done before. Then I also used the 20% off coupon I had sent to my CVS card from my email. I got $10 back in a coupon plus $6 off from my 20% off coupon. $30 – $14 = 16. 16 divided by 6 = 2.66 The were already on sale. There usually over $7 for one. I like the DIY ideas on this page, but for years, I use my coupons right on these Lysol wipes, and I dont have to buy these but every 2 years or so and they last. I’d do Bonnies’ idea before this DIY.

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