It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

The Secrets (More Than One!) to the DIY’ed Perfectly Seared Steakhouse Steak

You can check your meats temperature with a meat thermometer but that is not how the pros do it and it’s actually quite simple to do it their way.  First, know how you like your steak:

Here is the trick to make sure yours is cooked to your temp:

You simply push your finger on the steak while it’s in the pan.  Assess how soft the meat is with your finger and compare it to your hand like so:

For RARE, simply push on this part of your hand.  That is what a rare steak feels like.  Try this out and see.

As you are cooking the steak, the meat becomes more firm and you can compare the firmness of the meat to that of the same spot on your hand as you touch your thumb and various fingers together.  This is all you need to know to get your steak off in time!



Thanks to Gordon Ramsey for the technique and to simplyrecipes for this cool trick!


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