It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Ties Some Easy Knots In Rope And INSTANTLY Makes Something I’ll Bet You Never Thought You Could Make!

Just because you consider yourself crafty doesn’t necessarily mean that you feel comfortable with all kinds of materials.  Macrame is one of those crafts that many of us have never even ventured to try, but after you see this video, you will have the confidence that you never even knew you were missing!

Check this out:

Is there an craft you have always wanted to try but never dared?


  1. This is nothing new it was popular in the seventies !!

  2. Dalene Weiss says:

    this is old school. I quit paying obscene amounts for macrame hangers. They are about the easiest thing to make & you can get 2 or 3 out of a skein for a third of what it would cost to buy 1. Plus you can make it the color you want

  3. I love that you said that! It really is old school. My mom made these to hang plants in back in the 80’s.

  4. Dalene Weiss says:

    I think the 1st 1 of these I made was around 1974/75. /then a few yrs later my sister showed my how the do more intricate knots & braids. I still make them. Actually was out last wk looking for some new macrame rope. My old hangers are getting sun rot & need to be replaced.

  5. Tammy says:

    Would love to see more ideas!

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