It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Puts A Wine Bottle In Her Plants And The Plants Are SO GRATEFUL!

Did you know that there is a way to make sure that your plants are getting all the water they need and you don’t need to do a thing?

If you have an empty wine bottle, get it out because you are going to need it for this hack.

According to thegardenglove:

Rinse an empty wine bottle, (or other glass bottle with a narrow neck) and fill with water. Standing next to your planter, quickly turn over the bottle and push the neck down into the soil near the center of the planter. Make sure the neck is at least several inches underground. The water in the bottle will seep into the soil over several days, keeping the soil evenly moist. It works!


Incredible, right!  Now you don’t even need to ask your neighbors to come by and check on the plants if you will be away a few days.

Do you know any other plant watering hacks?  Tell us what they are!

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