It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Puts A Rubber Band Around Two Tissue Boxes-GENIUS!

If you haven’t noticed the kids starting to get sick in your neck of the woods, then I am very happy for you!  It hasn’t hit my home (knock on wood) but some other kids in the neighborhood have definitely been coming down with different stuff.

This video is filled with some amazing ways to hack your way through your kid’s illness.  I’ll be bookmarking this for sure!

Got any great ideas to add to this list?


  1. I do this for my grand daughter & it absolutely works!

  2. Great idea. I will be making them for my entire family!

  3. Jessie Brunette. You should be getting ALL the credit for this!

  4. Gross why share the germs

  5. Jessie, youre a confirmed genius!

  6. One for used one for new? Am I right?

  7. Katie…thought of you and Valarie

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