It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Freshened Up This Dated Inside Brick Wall Like Nobody’s Business!

Whitewashing brick is a perfect way to conserve that classic and heritage look of brick but to give it fresh, clean look that will make your more modern decor really shine.

It’s easy to do, too!

First, clean the brick well to make sure there is no dirt or cobwebs.

According to younghouselove, here is what she did:

I mixed up a mixture of one part water and one part paint (I used Simply White by Benjamin Moore in an eggshell finish since we used that in our half bathroom and had some leftover). The consistency was pretty drippy and watery. Imagine taking a gallon of paint and pouring out half of it and refilling that half with water. I used a brush to “wash” it on, brick by brick. I moved quickly and sort of smeared it onto each brick with the brush, and then dabbed over it with a rag – just to remove any excess and absorb any drips (since it was so runny those popped up from time to time).

Seems easy enough.  A little messy maybe, but what DIY isn’t?

Take a look:


The brick really looks pretty:


And the gorgeous finished product:


What a transformation!

Have you ever given brick a fresh new look?  Tell us what you did!

Thank you to younghouselove for this great tutorial and pics.  You should see her site for more pics and personal tips on whitewashing bricks.


  1. Pat Morgan says:

    I put clear poly on mine and it looks fresh and clean. I like the brick look.

  2. DIY Monthly says:

    Thanks for the info 🙂

  3. Vicki Shore says:

    Amanda Wainscott Massey what do you think?

  4. I love it! I was trying to talk J into something similar, but the gray we picked works pretty well with the brick color. We’ve at least kicked the can down the road a little.

  5. Megan Guynn Jennings

  6. I’ve been wanting to white wash but i’m scared i’ll screw it up! i love it!

  7. I know!! I want mine done soooooo bad but brian won’t allow it. I need some brightness!

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