It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Pipe Insulation Gets Zip-Tied To A Rake! Brilliant!

If you have ever had any flooding or any kind in your home or garage, then you know how difficult it can be to get that water out.  Unless you conveniently happen to have a Shop Vac lying around, you end up with a towel convention on the floor and even that takes forever.

One item that would help a LOT is this squeegee hack from MotherDaughterProjects.  Check it out:

So easy!

Have you ever hacked a tool that worked really well?


  1. Melody Aube says:

    Good thinking. Never thought of this

  2. Dennis Robinson might come in handy with Samaritan Purse.

  3. although we do travel with squeegees, this is a great idea!!! Thanks for the tip!

  4. What is supposed to do?

  5. Gloria Curia says:

    The video will not play.. Is it suppose to make a squeegee??

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