It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

I Have Never Seen Such A Wonderland Created With PVC Pipes!

I wish I had more info to share about this wonderful princess castle but since all I have is a couple pics and a link to a site that is written in a foreign language, then that is all I will share with you what I’ve got and regret NOTHING!

Check out this cozy castle made from PVC pipes and covered in pretty fabric:


The frame of this would be very easy to create.  If you have never built with PVC pipes, it is as easy as building with legos.  My kids build forts with them all the time.  In fact, if you don’t have any in the house, you should get a bunch, have them cut down to usable sizes and pick up a bunch or connectors and elbows, too.  They are wonderful for kids to create with.

Then, if you feeling comfortable, go for something greater like a castle big enough for mom to join in.  Let this pic from gingerbreadhouse inspire you!

What is the best thing you have ever created with PVC?

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