It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

I Finally Got My Toilet Clean With This Common Household Ingredient and No Scrubbing

Ok, now the toilet will be empty with little or no water in the bowl. This is what I did next:

  1. Poured vinegar into the bowl. This will remove all the mineral build up down deep.
  2. Now the second secret: I soaked toilet paper in the vinegar and then pressed it up again all the hard water stains (you’ll see this in the video). The paper will stick to the sides of the bowl and allow the vinegar to break down the minerals over many hours.
  3. After about half a day I dipped a paper towel in the vinegar and then dripped vinegar over all the toilet paper to make sure it stayed wet.
  4. After 24 hours, I used some kitchen tongs and wiped off as much minerals as I could with the soggy toilet paper and then started the process again.
  5. After 48 hours, I took the “after” picture

Note: My tongs have a plastic tip. This allowed me to scrape the last bit of mineral. If your tongs are metal, DO NOT try that – you can leave a silver scratch on the bowl.

This is the video that inspired me:


  1. Yeah, what is the other ingredient?

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