It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Takes Apart This Pallet And Doesn’t Break Even One Piece of Wood!

A while back, I posted a totally unique way of dissembling pallets and it is handy if you don’t have the proper tools for the method in the video below.  You can check out the other way here.

And please do not forget, when working with pallets, you need to know where the pallet has come from and if it has been chemically treated.  Do not go building your bed with some chemical-laden wood!  This article here will give you understanding of what to look for when choosing pallets.

Finally, check out this video to get this awesome way to take these suckers apart!

Do you have a sure-fire way to dismantle a pallet?  We sure would like to hear about it!

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