It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Sprayed Something REALLY Weird On His Headlights But It Cleaned Them Beautifully!

If you have some bug spray in the house, you have all that you need to handle this dirty build-up.

Watch the video for more:


This method can be a little controversial because I have also read that there is a protective coating on the lights and the bug spray may break it down.

So you may want to consider using a protective sealant if you have done this a few times.

What do you think about this method?  Have you ever heard of using bug spray to clean glass?


  1. Pj Hunt says:

    I know Walmart sells l
    product that works

  2. Billy Naylor says:

    It loaded so slow I gave up

  3. Looks Like It worked Great,….Took the Cud right OFF,…PUN,…..Ha Ha

  4. Plain water will do the same minus all the chemicals.

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