It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

He Is Drilling A Hole In A Cleaning Brush To Make Cleaning Easier and More Fun…But Mostly WAY Easier!

Do you use a scrubbing brush for any of these tasks?  I use one in the shower all the time which is where I will be putting this hack to work FOR SURE.

All you need to execute this hack is:

  • scrub brush
  • 1/2 drill bit and bolt
  • small hand saw
  • drill

Disclaimer: The guy in this video is a little short on personality but his tutorial is solid.  Let’s give him a listen and check it out:

What will you use this on?  Have you ever hacked a scrub brush before?  If so please tell us what you did.  This idea never even occurred to me!



  1. DIY Monthly says:

    IMO stuff like this are fantastic who agrees?

  2. Renee Rasmussen Gustafson

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