It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Don’t Head Into Bar-B-Que Season Without This Secret Weapon!

Summer is approaching and outdoor meals are on the horizon!

I’m pretty sure everyone loves a nice outdoor meal but no one loves them more than the flies and mosquitos that come UNINVITED every time.

Citronella candles are a great way to get rid of the bugs naturally and at the same time, enhance the atmosphere. But store-bought candles can be expensive and not long-lasting enough.

And citronella candles are very simple: they are ordinary candles that are scented with citronella.

That is why this DIY is awesome. You can buy buy Citronella Torch Fuel, add a wick, and you have a refillable solution for a fraction of the price! And to top it off, you put all this in some mason jars which are amazingly cool looking no matter how you use them.

You will need:

  1. Mason jar (or any glass jar) with lid and ring
  2. Citronella torch fuel
  3. 1/8″ lamp wicks
  4. Nail punch, Phillips head screwdriver or a nail


  1. Punch a hole through the bottom of the mason jar lid with your nail punch / nail, or drill for the wick to stick out of.
  2. Push the wick through the bottom of the hole, leaving only about 1/8 of an inch sticking out the top.
  3. Fill the mason jar with the fuel.
  4. Screw on the cap, and light it!

Do you have any great solutions to keep bugs away? Let us know!

To view more pictures and let the genius that came up with it know how great it is, go here:


  1. Heather Banks I know u haven’t used the mason jars for anything else yet like jam!!! But u should totally do this with em.

  2. Actually we died the eggs in them lady night. But definitely till try this!

  3. Plus its not canning season yet

  4. I want some jam when it is!

  5. Thanks for sharing this!

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