It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Dad Turned This Old Entertainment Center Into Something Fit For A Princess!

He decided this creation would go to his little girl and so the first thing he did (after removing the doors) was to clean it up and prime it:


He then finished the paint job with a different color for the inside wood:


Where he really went the extra mile was not with the shelving or clothes hanging bar, but with the LED lighting:


Now she has a dressing area fit for a mini-princess that she is proud to show off to all her friends!

Still looks great with the lights off, too:


Good job, dad!!

Have you ever salvaged an old piece of furniture that was headed for the trash?  Please tell us about what you did!

Thanks to imgur for this great article inspo and pictures.  See their site for more on this project.



  1. Jenny Misner says:

    Jesus Sergio Medrano, I want to make this for the girls.

  2. Elianis Estrada check this out. Super cute

  3. I love that! It’s what I want to do for the twins, but the entertainment center I got them is tooo biggg 🙁

  4. Debbie Gloss Nielsen – yes! something small or even a tall dresser

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