It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Build the Perfectly Imperfect Farmhouse Wooden Table!

The perfect farmhouse table is one of those pieces of furniture that is worth the investment of money, time (if you choose to DIY it) or both.  When it is done right, it only gets better with time and use.

It also blends in with virtually any type of decor because it is such a timeless piece.

So if a farmhouse table is on the “Most Wanted List” you need to check out this article from Popular Mechanics to learn how you can get the table of your dreams for a fraction of the cost it would be to buy it new from the store of your dreams (Restoration Hardware, anyone?.)

Granted, this project may be too much for the average DIYer like myself, but I wanted to share it because it would be worth the extra investment to hire a carpenter to get this done for you (and still save money if your other option is buying new). You could obviously adjust the size and select the stain so it is perfect for your home.

What a joy to gather your loved ones around the quintessential farmhouse table that was made custom for your family!

Build this table at Popular Mechanics.

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