It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

6 Amazing Bar Carts Made From Recycled Furniture

Most of my friends keep their bar items hidden in their kitchen cabinets. This makes sense since most of us don’t imbibe daily and don’t have the space anyway.

Behold the BAR CART.  Put all your bar items together, and wheel it out of the way until you need it.

Here are six awesome examples of how you can elevate an old item to a super cool mobile bar:

1. Vintage Television

This one could be surprisingly easy. Find a vintage television from a good will, take out all the insides, paint it, put in some cheap LED lighting from IKEA, and voila!

2. Tool Chest

When painting metal, you just need to prep it well, and paint evenly. You don’t have to spray it – although it does make it look much more finished. Especially with the glossy finish. I like the the mat they added with holes for the bottles.

3. Suitcase

This would take some skills to cut the hole, frame out the bookcase, and add the black trim piece to match the suitcase exterior. Although this is outside my comfort level, creatively, this is my favorite.

4. School Lockers

The trick for this one is scavenging for some old school lockers. Once you have those, slap some reclaimed wood on top and add casters to the bottom and you are all set.

5. Changing Table

One of the simplest ideas of the bunch, but nonetheless genius. Add a pre-made bottle racks and add a few slats to hang the bottles from and you’re done!


  1. Nice info thanks a lot I love home improvement type stuff!

  2. Ha! My husband built a similar/nicer bar from my parents cabinet television 40 years ago! I think one of my relatives may still be using it!

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