It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

You Have Been Using Toilet Seat Covers Wrong Your Whole Life.


Is your mind blown?


This makes so much sense!

Now you don’t have to use the seat cover PLUS a little extra toilet paper to go over the part where the seat is separated.  Not only that, I cannot count the number of times that I put on the cover and the flap thing fell into the water and pulled the whole seat cover into the toilet with it.

This is truly a revelation.


And on the next page…one other great tip!  Click through…

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  1. I wish every bathroom had these.

  2. @[586492632:2048:Lisa] and @[747802950:2048:Sara] Can you believe?

  3. Yes, I knew. Some dispensers have the instructions on them.

  4. it isn’t backwards…. it’s the right way! I’ve always done it right

  5. Ryan says:

    The flap is supposed to go in the water so that when you flush, the cover gets pulled in and flushed down without touching anything. This is shown incorrect.

  6. You learn something new every day. How difficult would it be to print a diagram on the boxes and/or place a label on the dispenser that shows you how to use them. Would cut down on the cost/loss of using too many covers because they keep sliding i to the toilet.

  7. How protective is a thin piece of tissue paper? Anything that gets wet transfers bacteria.

  8. Kathy Bright says:

    This post is nearly 2 years old. And it’s still incorrect. The flap goes into the water so it automatically goes down when you flush. This “method” means you have to touch it after you’ve used it.

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