It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Makes Dots On A T-Shirt With Sharpie But What She Does Next Creates A STUNNING Result!


  • White tees
  • cardboard (cut down to size to fit into each tee)
  • Sharpies in all colors
  • alcohol
  • small cookie sheet  (or something else to keep the alcohol off the bottom layer of the shirt)
  • droppers

One of the reasons I love this craft for the little girls is because the drawing part is so simple.  Sometimes kids don’t like what they painted or what they drew and want to start over again and again.  This craft takes all that out of the equation because the don’t draw much except dots and you can’t really mess that up!

Check it out:

(The girls are pretty chatty so fast forward to 1:23 to see the craft.)

I am thrilled to set up this activity for my daughter’s party!

Is there a craft you have found that is perfect for kids?  Please share!



  1. Diane Wagner says:

    Cute idea,grand kids would love this.

  2. Pillow Cases too for a sleepover!

  3. Judi Johnson says:

    Ashley MyersSarah Myers SchneeCarol JohnstonTina Babcock PalmerShelly AragonShirlene Titus

  4. Sherry Chase says:

    Cassandra Harper can have a girl party doing this

  5. Louise Kukpfer says:

    You should also try the neon colored Sharpies-they work great!

  6. Such a cute idea!!!!!

  7. Kathryn Topi says:

    I cant find Sharpies in all colors so will Bic markers work also??

  8. Are the shirts washable? ?

  9. Tracy Baker says:

    Samantha Baker
    I am not sure if your into tie dye…. but …..this made me think of your mom and she would have done this all day long …. fyi the alcohol she is talking about is straight rubbing alcohol…..something you and acelee could do maybe ….. I am gonna turn Tabitha on to this …for her shoes

  10. Allie Browning Peters and Lizabeth Browning here’s another project for us to do with the kids.

  11. Nice will it save this would definitely be fun to do it with little man

  12. Vera Schaaf says:

    T shirts, shoes, other things looks fun

  13. Dora Vargas says:

    Look Angela Garcia ,Brandi Hernandez…. cute for the girls…u can add beads and really have fun…. unique

  14. G would do everything in her room lol

  15. Dora Vargas says:

    Well…. show her this… cute for big sister and baby sister to connect… get pictures ….grow up so fast !

  16. Linda Anselm says:

    Fay Jones Linney

  17. I’m making myself one

  18. Bree Conklin…Arya would love this!!

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