It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

I Had NO IDEA You Could Upgrade A Fridge Like This! WOW!

Turns out, STAINLESS STEEL comes in a liquid form that you can actually PAINT right on your appliances!

There is a product called –you guessed it–LIQUID STAINLESS STEEL.  You paint it on in three coats and look at the results:

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I am seriously impressed.  According to diynetwork:

It takes three full coats to cover each appliance, and the first one may look scary-thin. Have faith and don’t glop on extra paint. You’ll use a roller to apply the paint and then drag a special foam brush through it to create the finish — vertically for refrigerators and horizontally for stoves and dishwashers.

There is a lot to know about how to correctly apply this stuff to get the perfect finish but it may be well worth doing some research if this is something that could put that finish that you have wanted in your kitchen.

I would suggest reading the whole article at diynetwork–they have some good application tips there–and read up on the product on the Liquid Stainless Steel site, as well.

Hope this helps!  Share this with your friends, please.:)

Do you have a creative solution for that old white fridge?  Please share!


  1. Lori Bowden says:

    They also make stainless steel cling in a roll. Easy way to update your appliances without much cost!!

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