It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

DIY Fresnel Solar Cooker

First of all, let’s make sure we all understand what “fresnel” means.  Fresnel lenses are flat plastic magnifying glasses. If you have ever used a sheet magnifier, then you have used a fresnol lens. Why a solar cooker?  Using the sun’s energy to cook is a great use of solar power.  It’s been done as long as man has been around so it is obviously a great survival tool. I found this article over at Graywolf Survival which is a great site written by  a former army chief who has done MORE than his fair share of surviving in environments and under conditions that many of us would prefer not to have experienced. I can’t think of a better resource for DIY survival tools than a war combat survivor. Click through to get more information on this solar cooker.

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