It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Save Money on Your Heating Bill!

To say that it is cold in some parts of the country right now would definitely be an understatement.  There are certainly many folks out there who would love to lower their heating bill.  If you are one of the millions who are running their heater 24/7, you have come to the right place.  Take a look at these cold-weather money-saving tips from American Preppers Network.


Contain the Heat

When you heat the home, the warming comfort is lost when you have drafty areas in the home. When you have leaks in the home, you are losing the precious heat that keeps your family nice and comfortable. To contain the heat in the home, you must check certain areas of your home often. Weather stripping and caulking should be added to your doors and windows for proper warmth in the home. Insulation should be added to drafty attics and crawlspaces. You can also cover your windows with plastic that is used for insulation to help keep the heat in when you have an extreme winter season.

Temperature Control

When you lower your thermostat, you can spend less on your home heating, which is a big plus! Just lowering the unit by one degree can give you a 1% savings for every eight hour time frame. With a programmable thermostat, you have optimal control. You can use the programmable option to lower your home heat substantially while you are at work or asleep to save on the heating in the home. An older thermostat can easily be done with a programmable one so that you can control the heat and energy usage of the home to your benefit.

Insulating Window Treatments

An additional option to help you remain warm in the home is with insulating window treatments. You can hang thick drapes during the winter months that will keep in the heat that your HVAC system produces. Thicker drapes can be opened during the day time so that the sun comes through while shutting them at night will contain the heat your unit is creating for a warm and toasty home.


Click on our article and image source to find two more money-saving ideas:

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