It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Wooden Dowels Get Assembled For The Simplest Version Of This Kid’s Must-Have!!

There are so many ways to build a tee-pee for your kids.  Some more beautiful than others and some certainly more complicated than others.

Rarely do you find a tutorial that shows you how to make one that requires no sewing but still looks beautiful.

Here is that tutorial.

Check out how lovely the finished product is:



I love the clean look of it!

Check out julieblanner for all the deets on how to make this.  She’s divulged all her secrets over there.

Have you ever made a simple DIY tee-pee that you love? (Or a not-so-simple one?)


  1. Toni Addington the kids would love this!

  2. Rayleen& Reba McCauley Landon would love this!

  3. HuhuDesign says:

    posts like this is why everyone loves your page

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